Thursday, 12 March 2009

A Mistake to Learn From

Having been a curator of the first week of our MA exhibition, I had a great deal of sympathy for the curators of the second week. For this reason, when I submitted my work which was to be displayed in the second week, I made no demands on how I wanted it to be presented. In doing this I intended to make life a little easier for the curators, however, I can now see that this choice was in fact a mistake on my part. In the end, I felt that my piece was not presented in its best light... quite literally!

In fact, the curators made a conscious decision not to put any light on my object. Due to the reflective nature of the piece they were concerned that the reflected light would interfere with the works surrounding it.

Unfortunately, the reflection of light was my main intention with the object and by not speaking up during all the commotion of the set up for the show I feel that I did the piece (and myself) a disservice.

I am learning that there may be times when it is necessary to be a little precious about ones work.

Here are a few images of how the work was intended to be displayed. This piece is titled Lazy Susan Gets Seven.

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