Monday, 20 October 2008

Theatre as Disposable Art?

Recent discussions in class have revolved around the topic of environmentally friendly art. How can art be made sustainable? What can we do as theatre practitioners to make our work a regenerative force rather than a destructive one? Must theatre design be disposable art?

EcoArt has been an issue of interest to me for some time now. In my opinion, one of the more progressive movements of this kind has developed within graffiti art. “Reverse Graffiti” or "Green Graffiti" are terms used to describe the practice whereby graffiti art is made by removing dirt and grime instead of spray painting and stencilling. I have attached some examples of reverse graffiti.

I now pose the question, how could the principles and practices of reverse graffiti be utilized in a preformative setting? More on this to come – watch this space...


harriet said...

hey sarah

a couple of things that popped in mind if you didn't know them already;

ben long's 'the great travelling art exhibition' drawing chaffinches in the dirt on the back of lorrys;

i LOVED this, the lorry drivers got very competitive and all wanted a 'masterpiece'


and the grafitti research lab's virtual grafitti;

i saw the GRL at work in barcelona, quite something as an intervention- they didn't get permission and got in a spot of bother with the police, they simply tagged their response ;)

anyway, just some thoughts! watching the processes here very much part of the work xx

Sarah said...

Thanks harriet for those links.
They are really great examples of green grafitti.

Judging by the youtube clips of GRL - there is also quiet a preformative element to their art. It is interesting to see how that works.

I have actually tried to create some moss grafitti around the wimbledon area...(this is where you apply a mixture of moss and yogurt to a surface. the idea is that the moss will grow into the shape has been painted) im keeping a record of it as it grows... and if it works out ill post some pictures if you like .... its all a bit of on a experement at this point... but ill keep you posted.

thanks again for the links
your input is really helpful.
its good to know that someone out there is reading!


harriet said...

hey sarah be great to see photos for your experiments- like the trace left after the tents leave at a festival. are you writing/creating image? x